burnzee152004 (1 out of 10 ) This was probably one of the worst scripts that I have read. It goes nowhere. I'll save you from wasting an hour of your life. In this movie, just like a tragedy, evryone dies. Nothing is revealed, and your t ime is wasted. You can thank me later.
fred1 (10 out of 10 ) Have you ever seen the film? Do you get that it came from his college film school efforts? You really don't get the dark humor in it, do you? Society today just gets dumber and dumber.
Nathan (1 out of 10 ) This was really a bad script. Only reason I stuck through the whole thing is for learning more about the craft and sadly you sometimes have to learn from other peoples mistakes. If you're looking to read a good script steer clear of this one. If you're looking for a bad script for learning. Well then you found one. Read on!
Lewis (10 out of 10 ) A brilliant movie with a wonderful script. Simply timeless. Anyone ranking this movie low is probably a 10 year old, or would enjoy movies like American Pie and such Hollywood rubbish.
Ken (5 out of 10 ) Well after skimming through the script and reading the comments on here all I have to say is Mr. Carpenter and O'Bannon apparently did something right! That's why they are where they are and we are on IMSDB bitching about a script.
Thomas Fink (9 out of 10 ) I found the movie very very good, it is a refreshing deviation from all the glossy SciFi stuff. Look at what is happening at the ISS now. They are struggling with a broken toilet! This film has exactly the kind of sarcasm that would encompass such an event. Benson Arizona is also a nice song. We do not need BIG computer effects - We need ideas!
0ldfinger (10 out of 10 ) This is a very, very funny and knowingly executed film. You won't necessarily pick that up from the script- so don't hate, go see the film. It's more than worth it.